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Here are a few of James Stafford's past cases.  They demonstrate how natural and pleasing the final result of dental implant treatment can be.

What you will also from this collection is how many different types of situation we can use implants to help people replace their missing teeth. 

Anything from a single missing front tooth to an entire set can be safely and predictably replaced with an implant-supported substitute which can look and feel just like the real thing.

Case Gallery


Case 1

This lady had previously invested a considerable amount of money having porcelain crowns for her six upper front teeth. The treatment had been done well by her dentist and she was very happy.  Unfortunately, the root of the upper left lateral incisor (marked with a white arrow) fractured and the tooth required removal. As is often the case, the root fracture had caused infection which in turn had led to some bone loss around the root. 


The patient was keen to achieve the best cosmetic result possible with the closest match to the remaining crowns around the fractured tooth.


She required a combination of a dental implant, a bone graft, a soft tissue graft, and a provisional crown before proceeding to her final porcelain crown.

James says

" I am very proud of this case as the expectation was high and I hope you agree the result is very pleasing."


In this case the patient was happy to have additional procedures to improve the result, though in many cases without infection or with lower cosmetic expectations treatment can be simplified meaning it is quicker and less costly.

Implant Completion

Case 2

This lovely teacher was referred by her dentist as she was struggling with wearing the denture she had been provided with to replace her missing upper right front tooth. Like many people, she found it was uncomfortable and interfered with eating and speaking.

She was keen to keep treatment as simple as possible rather than go through any additional procedures to maximize the cosmetic outcome.



James achieved this fantastic result by placing the implant in combination with a type of soft tissue graft at the same time as implant placement and waiting for three months before proceeding with taking impressions and then fitting the porcelain crown two weeks later. 

Credit here must also go to the laboratory technician who has superbly recreated the detail of the next-door natural tooth when making the porcelain implant-supported crown. This includes the tiny ridges in the enamel surface, as well as the general shade and shape of the tooth. The patient in this case actually visited to technician so he could meet her in real life to assess what would work best for her.

If you are interested in discussing how dental implants could help you, call our reception team on 0161 439 2048 to book a consultation.

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Arundel Dental Practice

33 Bramhall Lane South 





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Website Last Updated : Jan 2023

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